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If there is one thing I know for sure it's that "life happens" when you are making other plans. The question is: How do you react when life throws you a curve ball?
Most people, when faced with a situation that leaves them feeling vulnerable, unsure, or out of control, dig in their heels and mentally resist what is happening by becoming angry, defensive, rigid, sad, or depressed.
Harboring negativity does not change the present moment in any way. The present moment is as it is. By denying the present moment and resisting whatever the universe has is store for you in this moment, you are actually turning your NOW into an enemy.
In other words, life becomes your nemesis: something to be conquered, denied, or distanced from. When you push against life it has a tendency to push back. People appear uncooperative, obstacles present themselves, and life becomes a drag.
Fighting against the isness of life has become a national pastime. Discontentment is seen as normal as is evidenced by the popularity of phrases such as "Life sucks and then you die."
When you fully accept the present moment in whatever form it presents itself to you, the NOW becomes your friend. The world no longer owns you. You no longer feel like a boat on the ocean with no oars. Fighting against reality is a huge waste of time and energy. It does not change anything that is happening right now. It only makes you miserable, disagreeable and no fun to be around.
If you are wondering how to recognize the signs that you are resisting what is, or apposing the present moment in any way, shape or form, here is one surefire way to tell. If you consistently use the words should or shouldn't in your vocabulary, you are mentally resisting your reality and creating unnecessary suffering for yourself and others.
How much time do you spend wishing things were different than they are? I should have gone to college. I should have married my first love. I shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream last night. I shouldn't be in this predicament right now. The list goes on and on. Do you see how futile this way of thinking is? It is not possible for things to be different than they are right now. Life can only be as it is in this moment.
In her breakthrough book, Loving What Is, Byron Katie reminds us that, "There is no sadness without a story that opposes reality." When you become friendly with life, life becomes friendly with you. When you accept life on life's terms, everything begins to fall into place. People appear more cooperative, obstacles turn into minor set-backs, anxiety and fear evaporate, and life becomes more joyful. Each moment is then allowed to unfold unopposed and with it comes a peace that surpasses all understanding.
What are you resisting in this moment?
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