They Are Sweet Enough
I began part one by talking about the dangers of sugar, high fructose corn syrup and sodas. This may be the most difficult suggestion in that they may fight you most on this change. When I suggest you severely limit or eliminate sugar, that includes bread, pasta, white flour foods, white sugar, white rice and of course sodas and other sweetened drinks. This requires two things: moderation and better choices. I am NOT saying they can not ever have bread or pasta. I don't believe in restricting any one food group. Balance is key. I'm saying have starchy, complex carbs in moderation and make a good choice - a truly whole grain bread that doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient! Yes, there are some available at the supermarket - just read the ingredient labels carefully. There are also many excellent whole grain pastas available now. Sugar can correctly be considered a drug and an addictive one at that with many negative side effects.
Please don't think artificial sweeteners are the answer - the point is to reduce and eliminate packaged foods as much as possible and replace them with fresh, nutrient-dense, real foods the way God created them. When your child is satisfying his hunger with a piece of fresh fruit, a handful of nuts or a salad, there's no room for cookies, candy, soda junk food and fries! Yes, sugar is "natural" but common white table sugar is so processed and stripped of any minerals and nutrition that it's become a junk food. Once they begin eating "real" foods, their tastes will change! Fake food will taste - well fake!
Stack the Odds in Favor of Success
Create an environment that supports the healthy changes you are making. If you begin making these changes in their meals but keep cupboards full of cookies, candy, snacks and sodas you are sabotaging your efforts and theirs! Be consistent. Make sure that you have plenty of healthy options for them to choose from and eliminate those foods that would tempt them to fall back into old habits.
Celebrate Good Times!
Finally, as they take each baby step and make a healthy change - celebrate it! Find ways to encourage and reward them for achieving each goal. Here's where finding non-food rewards is very important. So many times we reward them with ice cream or their favorite fast food. Let's get creative instead - is there a book, CD or DVD they have been wanting? How about a piece of exercise equipment - exercise bands, jump rope, hula hoop, mini trampoline? If they're losing weight - how about a piece of clothing? Would they like to try karate, take a pilates class or some other activity? Sign them up! Spend a day together - take a hike - visit a museum or go to a ball game. Make it a celebration.
As a mom, this subject is very close to my heart. Seeing my children healthy, happy, successful and fulfilling God's call on their lives my heart's desire. While it takes a little extra effort - planning meals; going over sales circulars to make the best choices, nutritionally and financially; preparing meals ahead and "walking the talk" by letting them DO AS I DO, not just as I say - in the end it is more than worth it. Can you imagine anything more important?
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