When people find out you are a florist one question that pops up all the time is "How do I make flowers last". Or they tell you different ways that they have heard of to make arrangements last longer, like adding a penny, sprite, or an aspirin to the water. So here is a quick top seven for anyone that is interested.
1. Change the water daily. This is the simplest way to make flowers last longer. Nothing like fresh clean water to help keep the flowers drinking. Hydrated flowers are happy flowers.
2. Cut the stems at an angle. Cut your flowers before you first put them in water if you buy them loose. Also cut them every couple of days. Make sure to use sharp scissors or shears, be careful not to crush the stems. This tip also helps with the water intake.
3. Buy fresh flowers that are still in bud. When you look at the flowers at your local florist, the wide open ones always look the best but don't buy them. If the flower is already open it won't last that long. You want the flowers that are still in bud, or not open yet. Make sure the flower is still firm as well. You can enjoy them opening when you get them home.
4. Cleanliness is key. You want to put your fresh flowers into a clean container or vase. Like in rule #1 clean water is very important. So if your vase is dirty your water is dirty. Any bacteria can speed up the decay of flowers.
5. No leaves under water. The leaves will start to decay and contaminate your water. It cannot be said enough flowers need clean water.
6. Don't over heat your flowers. Keep them as cool as possible. Do not set them in direct sun light, keep them out of the draft from your heater. If you work in a kitchen and someone sends you flowers do not set them over the serving line. Well you get the picture. The hotter flowers get the quicker they will open and begin to wilt.
7. Feed your flowers. Once again fresh clean water is the best thing for keeping flowers fresh. If you want to put something in the water make sure it is food. Your local florist will have some on hand. You can also find some good recipes on line.
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