RANDOM FACTS ABOUT THIS RARE SPECIES: #10 it like spearmint gum......remember that #9 it has amazing stylish ties that can also be used as guitar straps. #8 it can lick its elbow and you better believe it #7 its obsessed with relient k((matt thiessen)) #6 it and its related species, the nelford, write amazing 10 second-3 minute songs that are off the charts #5 they dwell in perrywinkle caves but nelfords like to call them purple because they like teasing them #4 lilfords love to laugh and don't like chocolate #2 its a realllly good friend, but if you try to poke it with a straw, it will bite...it prefers to be poked with sticks bought from NARR....which brings me to number 1.. #1 it works at a NON FAILING, POPULAR, AND AMAZING store called NARR. you should go there. :) #0 they love meatballs especially ones that come from nelfords' mouths. #-1 they rock out on drums, and if your lucky, a nelford won't steal the sticks and poke you or the lilford(becuase they prefer sticks from NARR[see #2]) #-2 in its backyard(behind its perrywinkle cave)is an alligator infested pool #-3 its neighbors grow crops #-4 it attacks and kills to get a hold of playdough flavored ice cream because its life depends on it and it's allowed #-5 they wouldnt be able to ice skate if their life depended on it, so thats why theyre allowed to eat playdough #-6 it has been inside its cave walls....but thats another story #-7 it uses the word beast, as in "cool, awesome, fantastic" and usually decribes a ...
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