Sunday, October 10, 2010

Types of Ice Cream Kids Love!

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Do you remember running around outside with friends when you were a kid? If the weather was warm, there's an excellent chance you had many days like this. Well, things haven't changed very much. Kids sill run around with their friends outside in the warm weather. While they're most likely having a great time, they're also getting hot and sweaty doing it. What does this lead to? The need for every kid's favourite snack - cold treats.

There are many ice cream types these days. One of them is the Paddle Pop. Paddle Pops have been around for a long time - since 1953. They were created by a man named Ronald Street. So, next time you eat a Paddle Pop, thank Ronald Street. Paddle Pops were popular in Australia for several decades. That popularity finally began to grow in 2000, when Paddle Pops began to reach places as far off as China, the British Isles, Malaysia and India. Based on their extraordinary taste, it's most likely only a matter of time before Paddle Pops became well known all over the world. It's estimated that 97 million people eat at least one Paddle Pop in a year. There are currently over 100 flavours.

Another one of the more popular kids desserts are Icy Poles. Icy Poles were actually discovered by accident. In 1905, an 11-year-old boy in San Francisco, California left soda water powder and water outside. There was a stick in its middle. Overnight, the temperature reached below freezing and froze the soda water powder. When he came outside the next morning, he discovered this new concoction and ran it under hot water. Using the stick as a handle, he removed the soda water and began to eat it. From then on, Icy Poles were born. Icy Pops are eaten all over the world and go by different names based on the country. Here's a fun side note: in 1997, the largest Icy Pole ever was created and it was 21 feet high.

We can't have an article about ice cream types without mentioning Cornetto or Drumsticks. For many years, people were trying to figure out how to eat frozen ice cream cones. The problem was that they kept melting. Finally, they figured out to use oil, sugar and chocolate to insulate the ice cream. Cornetto and Drumstick comes in many flavours, including strawberry, mint chocolate, nut, lemon, and whippy.

If these options don't sound interesting enough to you, you can also try other popular ice cream snacks, such as an Ice Cream Sandwich, a Chipwich Sandwich, or a Sundae Cone. While they all have their benefits, it's always most fun to mix it up and try them all.

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